APB3 to AXI4 Lite Converter Core
The APB3 to AXI4 Lite Converter core translates APB3 transactions into AXI4-Lite transactions.The core provide write transfer from APB3 to Axi4-Lite and read transfer from Axi4-Lite to APB3.
APB3 to AXI4 Lite Converter Block Diagram
- Complies with AMBA AXI4-Lite specification (ARM IHI 0022D) and the APB3 specification (ARM IHI 0024B)
- 32-bit slave on a 32-bit APB3 interface
- 32-bit master on a 32-bit AXI4-Lite interface
- Supports no wait write, wait write, no wait read, and wait read operations
- Verilog HDL RTL and simulation testbench
- Includes an example design targeting the Trion® T20 BGA256 Development Board and Titanium Ti60 F225 Development Board
- Supports all Trion and Titanium FPGAs
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