ASMI SPI Flash Controller Core
The ASMI SPI Flash Controller core implements a basic active serial memory interface (ASMI) and supports flash memory devices. This easy-to-use core lets you control the flash device on your board without having to worry about the details of the serial interface or the flash device's read and write protocols.
As the following figure shows, you can use the ASMI SPI Flash Controller core to access the flash device's general-purpose memory using Trion FPGAs.
ASMI SPI Flash Controller Block Diagram
- Supports the simple active serial memory interface (ASMI)
- Supports page write, fast read, fast read dual, and sector erase functions
- Verilog RTL and simulation testbench
- Includes an example design targeting the T20 BGA256 Development Board, T120 BGA324 Development Board, and Titanium Ti60 F225 Development Board
- Supports all Trion and Titanium FPGAs
User Guide