RISC-V is an open-source standard instruction set architecture (ISA) that is managed by the non-profit RISC-V Foundation. This modular ISA has a base instruction set and optional extension sets. As RISC-V is free and open-source, it has gained popularity worldwide. Over 65 RISC-V cores, both commercial and open-source, are available today.

RISC-V logo

Efinix's Sapphire SoC suite of RISC-V processors provides a range of choices to meet your design requirements from a tiny soft core (Sapphire Lite SoC) to a highly configurable soft core (Sapphire SoC) to a 1-GHz capable hard core (High-performance Sapphire SoC). The Sapphire SoCs are user-configurable and high-performance with an optional memory controller. You can choose which peripherals you want by configuring the SoC in the Efinity IP Manager. This flexibility makes the Sapphire SoC ideal for a wide range of embedded applications.

Efinix RISC-V SoCs have a 32-bit CPU using the ISA RISCV32I with M, A, F, D, and C extensions, with six pipeline stages (fetch, injector, decode, execute, memory, and writeback), and a configurable feature set.

Use Cases

Efinix customers are developing a wide variety of applications with the Sapphire SoC suite.

Video Aggregation

Titanium | Broadcast

Ti375N1156 for Video Aggregation

Augmented Reality Glasses

Titanium | Consumer

Ti60F100 for Augmented Reality Glasses

Portable Ultrasound

Titanium | Medical

Ti375N529 for Portable Ultrasound Device

Thermal Imaging

Titanium | Consumer

Ti60F100 for AI Thermal Imaging Goggles

EDFA Repeater

Trion | Communication

T120F324 for Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) Repeater


Titanium | Automotive

Ti60F100 for Vehicle Control Unit (VCU)


Trion | Consumer

T20F169 for Virtual Reality (VR)


Trion | Medical

T20F324 for X-Ray

machine vision

Titanium | Industrial

Ti180J484 for Machine Vision Camera


Trion | Consumer

T120F576 for Drones

5G Repeater

Trion | Communication

T20F324 for 5G Repeater

Smart Camera

Titanium | Industrial

Ti90J361 for Smart Camera

Sapphire SoC Suite of RISC-V Processors Advantages

Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency

Efinix FPGAs with small form factor architecture deliver the performance needed while keeping the power consumption low which are ideally to be integrated in embedded system.

Easy to Use
Easy to Use

Configure the Sapphire SoC using the Efinity® IP Manager featuring an easy-to-use GUI. Choose the number of peripherals and which CPU features you want.

Custom Instructions
Custom Instructions

The Sapphire SoC supports a custom instruction interface so you can accelerate software functions with custom hardware logic.

BSP auto-generation
Board Support Package (BSP)

When you generate the customized SoC, the software creates a Board Support Package (BSP) automatically. Use the BSP to develop embedded software applications.

Linux Ready
Linux Ready

The Sapphire SoC offers an integrated Buildroot toolchain, an automated Linux kernel tree generator, and driver, user space, and library examples.

Hard and Soft SoC
Hard and Soft SoC System

The Sapphire SoC suite of RISC-V processors provide a range of choices from a tiny soft core to hard core 1-GHz capable option.

Design Creation
Dynamic Example Design Creation

Sapphire SoC creates example designs that following user’s SoC generation, users only require to compile and program the bitstream to start the development. The example design targeted T120F324, Ti60F225, and Ti180J484 development kits.

Design Creation
System Management and Communication Protocol Support

The Sapphire SoC supports Baremetal, FreeRTOS, and Linux solutions all in a single hardware platform. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Bluetooh Low Energy (BLE) and Wi-Fi are supported too.

A Full Suite of RISC-V Processors

High-Performance Sapphire SoC

The high-performance hardened Sapphire RISC-V SoC provides interfaces to support a variety of peripherals, e.g., memory controller, direct memory access channel, custom instruction, and I/O devices. You can choose the interface you want to use by configuring the SoC in the Efinity® IP Manager.

High-Performance Sapphire SoC
  • 4 VexRiscv processor(s) with 6 pipeline stages (fetch, injector, decode, execute, memory, and write back), interrupts and exception handling with machine mode
  • Up to 1 GHz system clock frequency
  • 16 KB on-chip RAM with boot loader for SPI flash
  • Memory controller for LPDDR4x
    • Supports memory module sizes of 3.7 GB
    • User-configurable external memory bus frequency
    • 1 full- duplex 512-bits AXI4 interface to communicate with the external memory
  • 1 AXI master channels for user logic, data widths of 128-bits
  • 1 AXI slave channel to user logic
  • Each core includes:
    • 4-way 16 KB data and instruction caches
    • Floating point unit (FPU)
    • Linux memory management unit (MMU)
    • Custom instruction interface with 1,024 IDs to perform various functions
  • Supports RISC-V extensions such as integer, multiply, atomic, compressed, single, and double-digit floating point.
  • JTAG debug module with 8 hardware breakpoints
  • Peripherals:
    • 2 user timers
    • 24 user interrupts

This SoC is only available in selected FPGAs, refer to the Titanium and Topaz for details on which devices are supported.

Read data sheet >

Sapphire SoC

The Sapphire SoC is a general-purpose, user configurable, soft core SoC that supports a wide variety of embedded applications.

Sapphire SoC
  • 1 - 4 (user selectable) VexRiscv processor(s) with 6 pipeline stages (fetch, injector, decode, execute, memory, and write back), interrupts and exception handling with machine mode
  • 20 – 400 MHz system clock frequency
  • 1 - 512 KB on-chip RAM with boot loader for SPI flash
  • Memory controller for DDR3, LPDDR4x or HyperRAM memories
    • Supports memory module sizes from 4 MB to 3.5 GB
    • User-configurable external memory bus frequency
    • 1 half- duplex AXI3 interface (up to 512-bits) or 1 full-duplex AXI4 (up to 512-bits) to communicate with the external memory
    • 400 MHz DDR3 clock frequency, 800 Mbps
    • 1089 MHz LPDDR4x clock frequency, 2178 Mbps
    • 250 MHz HyperRAM clock frequency, 500 Mbps
  • Up to 2 AXI master channels for user logic, data widths from 32 to 512
  • 1 AXI slave channel to user logic
  • Includes an optional multi-way Instruction and Data Cache
  • Includes an optional Floating Point Unit (FPU)
  • Includes an optional Linux Memory Management Unit (MMU)
  • Includes an optional custom instruction interface with 1,024 IDs to perform various functions
  • Supports optional RISC-V extensions such as atomic and compressed
  • APB3 peripherals:
    • Up to 32 GPIOs
    • Up to 3 I2C masters
    • Clint timer
    • Platform-Level Interrupt Controller (PLIC)
    • Up to 3 SPI masters
    • Up to 3 user timers
    • Up to 3 UARTs with 115,200 baud rate
    • Up to 5 slave user peripherals
    • Up to 8 user interrupts

This SoC is available for all Trion® FPGAs (except the T4), all Titanium® FPGAs, and Topaz® FPGAs.

Read data sheet >

Sapphire Lite SoC

The Sapphire Lite SoC has the smallest footprint and is ideal for microcontroller applications. In its smallest variation, it uses fewer than 4K LEs. This slimmed down version is ideal when you need just a little bit of processing power.

Sapphire Lite SoC

Supported Features

  • Single-core soft VexRiscv processor (RV32IM) with 6 pipeline stages (fetch, injector, decode, execute, memory, and write back), interrupts and exception handling with machine mode
  • Optimized for area, can go lower than 4K LE
  • Customizable on-chip RAM, cache, and APB3 peripherals
  • Ablility to run FreeRTOS
  • 1 half- duplex AXI3 interface (up to 512-bits) or 1 full-duplex AXI4 (up to 512-bits) to communicate with the external memory
  • 0.7 DMIPS/MHz with internal memory


  • No custom instruction
  • No Atomic extension
  • No Compressed extension
  • No FPU
  • No MMU (no Linux support)

This SoC is available for all Trion® FPGAs (except the T4), all Titanium® FPGAs, and Topaz® FPGAs.

Read data sheet >

Efinity Software Support

The Sapphire SoC suite of RISC-V processors is fully supported by the Efinity software, which provides a complete tool flow from RTL design to bitstream generation, including synthesis, place-and-route, debugging, and timing analysis. The software has a graphical user interface (GUI) that provides a visual way to set up projects, run the tool flow, and view results. The software also has a command-line flow and Tcl command console. The software-generated bitstream file configures Titanium, Topaz, and Trion devices. The software supports the Verilog HDL and VHDL languages.

RISCV Software

Efinix provides a complete package of hardware and software files for Sapphire SoC to assist users to develop software applications. Efinix developed the Efinity® RISC-V Embedded Software IDE which is Eclipse-based with full source project creation, editing, building, and debugging that integrates with our Efinity® Software.


  • SoC RTL files
  • SoC testbench
  • Example design targeting an Efinix development board


  • Board support package (BSP)
  • Linker script
  • SoC include header files
  • OpenOCD configuration files
  • Example software applications

